Цитата Сообщение от ILS
centurion, actually, there are a lot of different recipes for "samogon", and people say, that one of them includes stool as a main ingridient. I don't know, whether it's true, or not.
Nice. Atlust I have got somebody that is speaking English here.
Really, never hird of "samogon" before. In US we have got bourbone and whisky. Сергей Петрович Шнейдерман, whom I have been visiting before I have left Odessa, and got on that god damn train, gave me some "samogon" to try. Nevertheles he told, that it was made of pepper, honey and manderine oranges scin and of corse some vodka. Have no any info on making alkoholic drincs from ferniture. This reciept might be interesting. That mestirious russian soul...